Conferences are the best places to present your research paper and publish it. Often conferences provide Journal publication along with the conference publication. Here we will see the international conference with journal publication in 2021

Researchers and scholars prefer the conference which has the journal publication facility which adds more values to their research and conference attendance. The Conference having the publication of papers in a book called as Conference proceeding.
The conference proceeding contains the full papers presented in the conference and the abstracts. The conference proceeding is published by a reputed publishers after the peer review process. The proceeding may contain an ISBN number.
The conference having journal publication caries more value rather than only conference. The publication in journal is now a requirement for getting your degree. Publication in the journal could definitely bring attestation to your research paper. The researchers and world’s scientists could review your paper and give suggestion to your research work.
Make sure about the conference and confirm what the organizer is offering.
Now conferences are happening everywhere and even the individual person is organizing international conferences. As an author and researcher, you must avoid such conferences. These are mostly predatory conferences.
We at being one of the most trusted conference alerts website are not allowing such conferences to get listed in our portal.
We encourage the trusted universities, learning societies, publishers and organizations to get listed their upcoming conferences and events with us.
5 best tips to find International conference with journal publication in 2021
- Check the Organizer’s Details like address, past conferences, Editorial board, and registrations, etc.
- Check the Publication details of the conference
- You can also Check the past publications if any
- Check the Journals associated with the conference.
- Must Check the review process and duration to select the paper for the conference and the journal publication.
Best ways to find the International conference with journal publication in 2021
As we discussed previously is the most trusted and reputed conference alerts in the world to find upcoming conferences. You can find the trusted and genuine upcoming international conferences with journal paper publications.
Researcher and scholars can easy find the upcoming conferences for the home page and the dedicated menus. You can also subscribe to get the regular notification about the conferences about your chosen topic.
Must read: How to find best international academic conference?
Here are the upcoming conferences for paper publication lists.
International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering (ICSIE),New Delhi
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data Engineering (ICAIMLBDE), New Delhi
International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology (ICEECSIT),Pune, Maharashtra, India
International Conference on Computer Science, Industrial Electronics (ICCSIE),Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Find Upcoming conference in India with Paper publicaiton in Peer Review free International journals
Upcoming International Conferences in Bangalore 2021 View conferences
Upcoming International Conferences in Chennai 2021 View Conferences
Upcoming International Conferences in Pune 2021 View Conferences
If you are interested to attain world-class international conferences and publish your papers in reputed journal publications indexed in Scopus, Wos, DOAJ, etc, here are some of the best International conference with journal publication will be held in 2021.
We recommend registering for these conferences and do not miss the opportunity to publish your papers along with the conference.